Saturday, May 02, 2009


A world far beyond,
fantasy created by living creatures.

It shows what you want,
it shows what you have been,
it shows what the feeling deep within,
it shows the fear that you been hiding,
it also shows the future far beyond.

Deja vu happen because of it,
memories return because of it.

It appear when deeply fall asleep,
time pass when awake it's soon forget,
tears fall in sudden that can't resist,
smile within unleash unexpectedly.


Last night I had a dream,
It's about the past of mine,
and it shows what I wan in future.
I can't describe in details,
because memories getting blur once awake.
It's about my time in primary school,
but I can't think of it,
all I know is that it almost flooded my eyes.
Then it when a bit far to the future,
things will be clear if deja vu happen.
That time I was a grown,
in a train, I called someone,
it was a classmate from primary school,
i remember something about reunion,
then faces I saw was unknown,
those faces are funny but familiar,
i had a smile,
then something crash into my mind,
i was awake,
it was about 7 in the morning(+8GMT),
the morning sun ray,
combined with the colour of my rooms curtain,
and the cooling temperature that's feels like windy,
a surrounding that refresh my past,
my eyes starts sweating,
thinking of my past,
missed my past,
I started my day filled with memories.

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